
Hyper Us

During this work, we will research our own cultures and histories connected through rhythms. We will explore our colonial heritage by studying the rhythmicalities of Latinamerican folkloric dances and music, combining them with personal histories related to displacement, migration, transnationality, and identity in present, past and future times. We work within the concept of “Hyperculturalism” by Byung- Chal Han, referring to the transformation of the individual through the dissolution of borders and fences of different cultural forms. We relate to the hyper- through our heritage: creating spaces where our traditions come together with our temporalities and lives in exodus.

With this work, we want to open a critical reflection on the hierarchies of cultures and knowledge production nowadays. In the creative process, we will work with told and untold stories, revealed and unrevealed spatialities that overlap to produce inclusive experiences having as its basis a collage of sensorial rhythms and choreographies.


Maria Mercedes Flores Mujica, Indumati Das, Sebastian Varra, Darya Myasnikova, Hendrick Eichler

making off

10.08.2023 00:00 Uhr


15.07.2023 –


Theaterwerkstatt Pilkentafel


Aïsha Konaté

I go with the political invitation to unlearn mastery and to get lost in orde…


Jede Woche ihres Stipendiums gibt die Gruppe einen Einblick in ihren Forschungsprozess.