Logbook Final Week
The final week of our residency arrived faster than we thought. For us it was all about channeling all the little bits and pieces that we gathered over the last weeks into something that we can present to an Audience.
The last days of a process always mean a little more pressure, stress and the
potential of conflicts within a group. We tried to stick to our routines of team communication to divide tasks and regularly check in with everybody about needs/wishes towards our process and the current situation.
Our tasks for the week included:
– Finishing every little island of our installations
– Giving them names and descriptions
– Setting up the room
– Setting up lights and sounds
– Feedbacking our plans with Sandra, our Mentor.
– Thinking deeply about the kind of feedback we wanted from our Audience
– trying not to panic
Besides this: we finally made it to the famous Augsburger Cityclub – the venue everyone recommended us to go to. Rumour has it that the hangover costed us a few precious hours on Saturday – but it was surely worth it.
The making off itself turned out to be a super valuable process for us. We remained quite uncertain how we wanted to audience to give feedback.
So we asked ourselves the questions: „what do we need to know from them in order to bring our process to the next step?“ Which interactions and installations worked and were inspiring, what did not work, who felt
engaged with what and where is the potential to dig much deeper.
We felt our hybrid concept between installation and performance went quite well even though no one of us has ever tried this approach in their own artistic practice. A combination of different islands of installations are combined with a durational performance of Paul (a local artists) and the whole experience ends with a Quiz about Wallpaper that everybody had to answer during their visit of the stay. This gave us the chance to find an ending together with the audience
when giving out the price.
Spoiler: the price was a 40€ Wallpaper Voucher.
After building up the whole room and composing it to where we felt some sort of satisfaction – we had to tear it down right afterwards.
All of us were leaving the next day and so we after sharing some more moments at the bar with our audience we got back to work.
The last day ended with a surprise of Robin beeing suddenly not there and an
intense but super valuable feedback about or time in Augsburg together with Felix from Flausen, Sandra our Mentor and Anne and Sebastian from Sensemble Theatre.
We are leaving Augsburg with a little tiny tear in our eyes but also with a lot of ideas how to turn this odd topic into a something meaningful.
Alexanderstraße 124
26121 Oldenburg
Klävemannstraße 16
26122 Oldenburg
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