at a glance
research in focus
Artists and graduates spend 1 to 3 months researching and working on a project of their own choice.
artists supported well
The 12 theaters support the artists and graduates with advice, but also with workshops, work shows, and networking as well as language barriers.
relief during the pandemic & russian aggressions
The livelihoods of Ukrainian independent artists are actively threatened by the pandemic & Russian aggressions. With the residency support we create perspectives and opportunities.

supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
film: "дах! DACH!"
The Fonds DaKu published a short film about their project DACH, which was developed to support ukrainian artists in light of the war on european soil. This was made possible in cooperation between Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser, flausen+ and the Netzwerk Freier Theater.
13.12.2022 - Meeting with UKR-artists in Hamburg
On 13.12.2022 a meeting took place with the residency artists of the Ukrainische Hilfsmaßnahmen in Hamburg. The artists got an insight into the processes of the independent scene and were connected with each other and with the theaters of the flausen+ network.
downloads & links
To whom is the residency funding addressed?
The funding is aimed at professional artists of the independent performing arts who are seeking refuge in Germany due to Russian aggression and are implementing a research project in conjunction with a venue of the flausen+bundesnetzwerk, the Netzwerk Freier Theater or the Bündnis Internationaler Produktionshäuser.
What is being funded?
Funding is provided for open-ended research, laboratories or conceptual projects in conjunction with residencies at a venue of the flausen+bundesnetzwerk, the Netzwerk Freier Theater or the Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser.
How do I apply?
Artists can apply and via the login on the homepage of the Performing Arts Fund. The application form can be accessed via the following link: https://onlineantrag.fonds-daku.de/start
Which application criteria must the artists meet?
- Applicants must have their current residence in Germany.
- Applicants must have a valid residence permit.
- Applicants have received their residence permit after 24.02.2022.
- The project must be artistic. (No production, no programming, no project management).
- The applicants must be full-time self-employed artists.
- Proof of at least one publicly funded production/event or alternatively one national/international guest performance in 2019-2021 must be submitted.
- Artists must have prior contact with a house, as a residency certificate is required.
- Two application texts are required, which should be written in German or English:
- An information letter about the person as well as remarkable productions (for individual applications max. 1,500 characters, for group applications max. 3,000 characters)
- a project description (max. 1,800 characters for individual applications, max. 3,000 characters for group applications). These texts should be as informative, short and plausible as possible.
- In addition, applicants must submit a press release of 400 characters written in the neuter tense. This should contain a summary of the person and the project.
How does a residency work?
Residencies can proceed in a variety of ways. You can work with research on the internet, interviews, etc. However, potential rehearsals are also possible and research trips are an option. For the residency, the artists do not have to stay at the house, but must always be in consultation with them.
How long is the recidency?
Between 1 and 3 months.
How much funding can I apply for?
Individuals receive funding up to € 2500 per month.
What is required of the artist?
At the end of their residency, the artists have to submit a correctly filled out proof of spending.
They are obliged to contribute to the program of the house (by meeting all deadlines [call for funds, proof of spending, etc.], participating in workshops, maintaining contact with the contact persons in the house in charge).
What is the proof of spending?
It is two documents, a factual report and a numerical record, that detail how the funds have been used.
What is the deadline for the proof of spending?
By 10.12.2022 you must submit it as an email to flausen+headquarters. We then check it, after which you have to upload it to your selfmanagement environment at Fonds Daku.
Who can I contact with quesitons?
The artists should contact the house or, in exceptional cases, the flausen+headquarters.
project consultant
- Siegmar Schröder
funding consultant
- Hanna Haeusler
funding consultant
- Angelique Huxol
- 0441 998796-26
Mo, Mi, Fr: 9:30 – 13:30 Uhr
Di, Do: 13:00 – 16:00 Uhr