Woche 4


06.08.2018, Monday:

(@Bad Godesberg-Fringe Ensemble)

14.00-16.00/30: Physical Practice
14.25-14.40: Individual warm up
14.40-15.00: Oriental dance practice
15.20-16.20: Body percussion
16.20-16.35: Listening to our recordings
16.30-17.30: Break
17.30…: Group work:

1) Music
2) Diary, weekly report for theater, newsletter for making off, new definition? & manifest

18.10-19.00 Talking about the making off 19.30…: Two groups working on:

1) Newsletter, diary, manifest, alternative definition of belly/oriental dance
2) Music


07.08.2018, Tuesday:

(@Bad Godesberg-Fringe Ensemble)

13.00-14.00: Physical Practice (try out for an alternative oriental dance education) 14.15-15.20: Rhythm work
15.20-15.35: Short break and talk about making the rhythm work
15.35.-16.40: Post it game

16.40-18.15: Break

18.30-22.30: Planning of the last days + working on alternative education notes + quotations for writings in the wall (making off preparation) + orking on the statement of research process & alternative definition of belly/oriental dance


08.08.2018, Wednesday:

(@Bad Godesberg-Fringe Ensemble)

12.30-13.30: Work on wall writings in relation with the statement of research process + definition
14.15-16.00: Physical Practice
14.15-14.35: Short warm up and oriental dance practice
14.35-15.25: Percussion
15.30-16.20: Try out with Boal exercise (Nora’s proposal) and feedback

16.20-17.20: Break

17.00-19.00: Organizing the making off


09.08.2018, Thursday

(@Endenich-Theater im Ballsaal)

Preparation for the making off

10.00-11.30: Preparartion of the space: light, technic, cleaning…etc. 11.30-12.00: Break
12.00-13.30: Rehearsal-1
13.30-14.00: Break

14.00-15.00: Rehearsal-2
15.00-15.30: Break

16.00-18.00: Run Through / Talk / Feedback (Nora is coming)


10.08.2018, Friday:

(@Endenich-Theater im Ballsaal)

12.00-17.00: Rehearsal for making off with small breaks

17.00-18.00: Break

19.00: Making off