
Entering the second week we continued to research the remaining two questions.

How to create transformation by…expanding and condensing

Zooming in zooming out, liquid when decompressed, rigid when pressured, false perspective, switching far away and closeby, plissé fabric, literally zooming in, abstract outzoom, exchange of fluidity between bodies transformed into dance

Sticking to the starting point 
Not knowing it will last
Counting backwards in a moving train
Arriving after the avalanche
Too lazy to run but too late to not give a fuck no more.

How to create transformation by…pulling the fish out of its universe 

Seduction, being pulled, create fascination by focus, the hook, shiny, metal, dynamics at play, appeal, decision making by flocking, change direction, hiding the hook, deception, be hooked in the broadest sense of the word

The fat fish was loved by all.
His lips were plump and fins seductive.
The fatty ruled the skinny ones in these eden depths.
It was obvious to all, 
That when the gods descended a shiny grail into their midst,
The fat king would be the first to lip-lick this sign of divine gratitude…
The skinnies gathered round as he was catapulted to the above.
The fishermen were satisfied that day.

This research question was the most open and bizarre, and triggered a multitude of different ideas.

After working on the five questions, we went on to dig deeper into different aspects of our artistic fields, with a prominent role for performance art. We broadened the application of the question of how to create…

Transformation through…Sound

The transformation of sound into the visual. Finding similar sounds, grouping, adding, overstimulate, transforming from one to the other, until no longer recognisable. The source, the proximity and distance and simultaneously playing

It was known by all from Kreuzberg to Neukölln
That tricks were cheap 
However no-one dared to step to the fore
No more
And play the sounds from their collections 
to the ecstatic crowds
Longingly they lasted night by night
Repeating beats from times long passed
only not to have to think about their futures.

Play these songs we made simultaneously and let them transform into one

Transforming through rhythm, copying, intrinsically changing and making it your own, being inspired by others’ movements

Transformation through…Text

Gathering words, collage, individual interpretation of the whole, interpretative poem, forever transforming narrative, floating between fantasy and reality, writing into, writing out of, narrative, fractured, questions unanswered

No more poetry

Transformation through…Garment tactility

The kinesphere, moodboard creation, experiencing materials, tactility, moulage, intuitive placement of fabric, immediately shaping the other, contrasting surfaces, hard, foamy, textile-inspired fluid movement

I’m not in the mood said the needle
I’m not asking for your voice, the sewing machine spun back.
This is how collections are created: