
We started the week by visiting a few neighbors of Moosach. Among them: Hubert, Kirstin, Holger and Michaela. We interviewed them interacting with the prostheses for the first time.

Before starting we asked each of them to make a short introduction of themselves and to share in which part of their body they wanted to locate the prosthesis in and why.

For us this process has been very enriching since it is the first time that we took the prosthesis out of a rehearsal environment. The fact that we visited each person at their house or working space made the whole situation very intimate.


06.09 – us talking after the interviews:


  • Is the first time we open up the process to external people.
  • Unknown drifts. The neighbors open up to the unknown possibilities of a new interaction in a familiar context. We open up to unknown possibilities of interaction with the prostheses and new imaginaries from the neighbors (which other designs, or forms of interactions they imagine or suggest to us).
  • We find it very interesting for the project to generate a choreographic practice of everyday life that is different from what has been done in the theatrical space. This desire has been present in the project for a long time but never realized until now. For the future we are curious to continue this line of work.
  • To put the work outside of the theater generates for us a work of art that is stimulating enough and ambiguous enough. We talk about other examples of pieces of art that create the same feeling for us.
  • specular, mirrors, more angles for interpreting things
  • To introduce these speculative prostheses in an environment like a house generates estrangement, displacement.
  • We wonder if the same displacement would be generated if for example we leave one prostheses in the center of the town and make a hidden camera type recording.We are very thankful to the neighbors from Moosach for opening up their doors and for experimenting with us!