I would say that the third week has been the best so far. We have worked harder and started to think more specifically about the presentation of the making OFF.
We have chosen some of the ideas to work on in more depth. On Wednesday we were also able to discuss with Sandra (our mentor) and decide together on areas of work for the final stretch of our residency.
For the making OFF, we want to develop different
sketches of installations intertwined by the material and concept of the wallpaper.
Some of them will try to be informative, commenting onthe history and curiosities about wallpaper. Others, in a more poetic way, will try to raise questions such as the influence of the environment on oneself or will try to evoke memories as a starting point for conversation and connection with the public.
Video Game as Info+Memories Archive
We have decided that a good way to collect the information and references about wallpaper that we have gathered throughout theresidency is in an interactive video game. Thus, we have created athematic maze full of curiosities, memories and historical facts aboutwallpaper. The week before we conducted a survey to listen to people’s memoriesrelated to wallpaper. Some of these answers are also embedded in thevideo game.We would like the characters of the video game to be ourselves and thatis why we have started to learn how to create avatars of ourselves.
Since lucas had very long hair and a long beard it was extremely difficultto scan his skull. Luckily he went to the hairdresser this week and we willbe able to make him the main character of the game.
Ongoing Projects
Video game
AI Wallpaper playful mirror
In this installation people will be able to see a distortedversion of themselves with ever changing wallpaper in thebackground.
Make your own wallpaper
Thanks to Birgit, an actress and painter we met andinterviewed this week, we have some very old tools tocreate our own wallpapers. We need to explore them andshare them with the audience in our last show.
Joern Installation – Wallpaper generation
Joern has been working this week on a web application inwhich you can generate wallpapers by taking a singleimage. This shows that anything can potentially be awallpaper xd
Gallery space
We have been thinking of ways to make use of the spaceupstairsfor the making-off. We’ll probably design it as anopen space with multiple installations and we’ll performactivating them for the audience
Workflow and communication
About the team
After that, we have divided the tasks by interests and expertise, then organised them collectively.
We have had many ideas and now it is time to materialise some of them stop reflect on their narrative force. At the same time, as we are going exhibit together, find common threads expository strategies make feel connected conceptually.
After that, we have divided the tasks by interests and expertise, and then organised them collectively.We have had many ideas and now it is time to materialise some of them and to stop and reflect ontheir narrative force. At the same time, as we aregoing to exhibit them together, we have to find common threads and expository strategies to make them feel connected conceptually.
Alexanderstraße 124
26121 Oldenburg
Klävemannstraße 16
26122 Oldenburg
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